BEST DAY EVER, is how our family would describe our visit to Warner Bros Movie World on the Gold Coast. We were only about one hour into our visit and those words had already come out of Kalyra’s mouth about five times.
Bugs Bunny and the gang had come out on Main Street and Kalyra had danced Gangnam style with her favourite Looney Tunes Characters, Sylvester and Tweety Bird, got a hug from Daffy Duck, and was beaming from ear to ear.

As far as she was concerned, this WAS already the “best day EVER”, and her enthusiasm was infectious! It gave us the boost we needed for the day ahead.
Theme parks are different when you have kids – the day seems to get LONGER and previously it was all about us scaring ourselves silly on the most thrilling, adrenaline-fueled rides, but with a 6 and 2-year-old to entertain, often you find yourself posing for photos with characters and squashed into a little train with your knees up around your ears.
Of course, visiting Movie World Gold Coast doesn’t have to be all about the kids, but it’s certainly different visiting as a family than visiting with just adults, which is why we’ve prepared this guide on how to visit Movie World with kids, so you can make the most of your trip and have the BEST DAY EVER!
Attractions at Warner Bros Movie World

Our fun in the “big kids” section was short lived as we found ourselves in the Kids WB! FUN ZONE for two hours.
That’s usually how it works these days, one ride for mummy and daddy, five world-class rides for the kids. They started by getting their thrills on the Sylvester & Tweety Cages ride.
Then the Speedy Gonzales Taxis, and of course on the iconic Looney Tunes Carousel.

We rode on the Yosemite Sam Railroad Train, and Kalyra braved it on the Road Runner Rollercoaster.

FUN ZONE is also where the characters hang out for a photo opportunities with the kids. Savannah is still at that age where she’s a little weary and her reactions are always so funny!

After rotating between the rides several times we caught the 4D show Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
We donned our funky glasses and enjoyed the simulating special effects as we twisted and bounced and got sprayed with water. Check it out.